viernes, 16 de julio de 2010

Perdonad que estoy un poco desconectada este mes. sin embargo he seguido investigando. Parece que hay un serio intento de que la gripe estaciona 2010-2011 lleve conjuntamente virus de la Gripe A (H1N1) y de la Gripe Aviar (H5N1), cosa bastante ridícula si se piensa la cantidad de gente que ya paso/se vacunó, de la primera y la bajísina incidencia de la segunda. Pues bien, he encontrado estudios favorables y empresas que ya están mezclando peligrosamente estos dos tipos de virus:
Replikins, Ltd. has produced a Synthetic Replikins Vaccine, TransFlu™, with elements against both H5N1 and H1N1. In an independent trial, TransFlu™ vaccine has blocked H5N1 in chickens (doi: Avian Diseases 10.637/8892-042509-ResNote.1). This is one example of the function of the BioRadar™ system of "Early Detection->Rapid Response." Formulation of the TransFlu™ vaccine began over one year ago, based on H5N1 Replikins Analysis, when the increase in H5N1 virus Replikin Count predicted the present H5N1 outbreaks.
Our results suggest that H5N1-M2e-MAP has a great potential to prevent the threat from re-emergence of pandemic H1N1 influenza and possible novel influenza pandemic due to the reassortment of HPAI H5N1 virus with the 2009 swine-origin H1N1 influenza virus

Y un estudio en una prestigiosa página médica USA en la que una doctora advierte que estos virus pueden estar mezclándose naturalmente y ser causa de mutaciones ¿¿¿???
"The H1N1 virus has been spreading quietly in pigs in Hong Kong and swapping genes with other viruses, and researchers said the findings support calls for tighter disease surveillance in pigs before new viruses can emerge and infect people.
Their report, published June 18th in Science, confirms the theory that flu viruses infecting swine can swap genes with other viruses that are in pigs, including more dangerous ones like the H5N1 or H9N2 bird flu viruses"

martes, 26 de enero de 2010

Por fín la polémica en los periódicos

Nos desayunamos con la oposición del ex-parlamentario (¿por qué ha perdido el escaño?)alemán Wolfgang Wodarg a las maniobras para evitar una comisión de inverstigación en forma, con ciéntíficos independientes que respondan a numerosas preguntas:
-¿por que se cambió la definición de pandemia, ignorando criterios de peligrosidad?
-¿por que se vacunan personas sanas, especialmente los niños y embarazadas, cuando estos son más vulnerables a efectos indeseables a largo plazo?
- ¿por que no hay investigadores independientes de las farmaceúticas en el proceso de declaración de pandemia, fabricación de medicamentos y control de resultados?

Se continúa privatizando: citas médicas en Madrid

Vemos escondida una importante noticia para los madrileños:

"Sanidad quiere unificar en un solo servicio, una especie de centralita o call center, todas las peticiones de cita con el médico de familia, pediatra y enfermera que se producen en la red de centros de salud de la región y que, en 2008, fueron más de 50 millones. Lo hará a través de una empresa, a la que pagará 40 millones de euros en cuatro años, según la convocatoria de licitación. La firma que gane el concurso contratará a sus propios operadores, que inicialmente serán unos 300, y se encargará de formarlos."

El periodista también comprueba la pésima atención que recibe intentando obtener una cita mediante una operadora de voz. El problema es el de siempre: más gasto sanitario que no representa una verdadera mejora para el usuario, y el control del personal y el servicio que ahora se ejerce desde una empresa privada:
"Cuando este call center esté funcionando al cien por cien, aún tendrá que haber administrativos en los centros de salud para atender los casos que los agentes del CAP no puedan solucionar, como citas complejas, agendas bloqueadas, planificación y reparto de huecos por ausencias de profesionales, etcétera. Pero lo más probable es que el personal se reduzca, según denunció ayer el sindicato CSIT. "Si el nuevo sistema funciona bien, acabará absorbiendo casi todas las citas. ¿Por qué Sanidad no utiliza los recursos humanos que ya tiene y contrata una empresa para hacer lo mismo?", se pregunta la secretaria de Sanidad, Elena Moral. El sindicato teme que no se renueve el contrato a los eventuales, pero aún no tiene cifras de posibles afectados."

En la Comunidad Valenciana siguien a buen ritmo la construcción de un segundo hospital de Elche, hecho con fondos públicos pero gestionado desde una empresa privada. En muchas consellerias se denuncian más y más "externalizaciones" sin que haya más que alguna manifestación aislada de un sindicato.

miércoles, 20 de enero de 2010

¿Que pasa en la Comunidad Valenciana?

El PSPV denuncia que el gasto en Sanidad se ha triplicado y sin embargo el servicio deja mucho que desear, mientras se acumulan las facturas impagadas. Comenta que hasta se ha contratado una empresa externa para conocer la verdadera situación económica del sistema sanitario valenciano:
"El responsable socialista lamentó que "pese a que ha habido una subida presupuestaria, ésta no se ha destinado a aumentar el número de plazas hospitalarias o a mejorar y ampliar los recursos asistenciales", porque, continuó Mayans, "los centros asistenciales están a pleno rendimiento y necesitan más recursos"."

Mientras tanto, se sigue con la construcciòn de un nuevo hospital privado en Elche hecho con fondo públicos:

En "Público" se denuncia el deterioro de los servicios de urgencia en la Comunidad de Madrid:
También lectores denuncian la progresiva "externalización" de servicios de lavandería, gestión, etc de distintos hospitales en Castilla-a Mancha:
"En Castilla la Mancha gobierna el PSOE y se esta privatizando todo: hospitales, residencias de Mayores, Guarderias y un largo etc.. En concreto en la Consejeria de Bienestar Social de Albacete hace ya unos dos años que no sacan una sola plaza de trabajo pública."

lunes, 18 de enero de 2010

Las falsas soluciones y publicidad de algunas farmaceúticas

El país en el artículo de fecha de hoy:
Reconoce que dió una información inexacta en relación a un novedoso medicamento contra el dolor, cuando posteriores comprobaciones descubrieron: que el medicamento no era tan nuevo ni tan efectivo, que la periodista viajó invitada por los laboratorios en cuestión, que por cierto dan apoyo a organizaciones de usuarios contra el dolor.

"La información sigue peligrosamente el esquema de las nuevas estrategias que la industria farmacéutica emplea para promover la prescripción de sus fármacos, una vez erradicados los escandalosos incentivos con que premiaban a los médicos. De hecho, los médicos no son ya el único objetivo de los departamentos de mercadotecnia de los laboratorios. Ahora tratan de influir sobre la prescripción a través de los propios pacientes. Esa estrategia consiste en hacer emerger (a veces incluso crear) un problema de salud, movilizando a especialistas de prestigio y si es posible, pacientes, con el objetivo de "sensibilizar" sobre el problema para el cual tienen la solución."

Hay que dar un aplauso al periódico puesto que "rectificar es de sabios" y reconocer los errores aún más. en todo caso queda patente que existe un problema importante con el dolor que requiere como mínimo sensibilización por parte de todos los implicados y no cejar en la búsqueda de métodos paliativos (¿métodos naturales?).

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2009
by Deborah DupreThe core essence of "Greater Things" is that there is always a better way to do things -- anything -- whether it be religion, politics, science, academia -- anything. To the extent that we get institutionalized and codified in a set belief system, is the extent that we inhibit the ability to grow and learn new and better ways. - Dr. Andrew Moulden.A growing number of doctors, other health professionals and citizens are attempting to prevent the humanitarian disaster planned for this October when the new H1N1 vaccine is to be deployed in a grand scale, military, war on terror manoeuvre ."Primum non nocere" ("First do no harm"), medical ethics standard attributed to Hippocrates that became obligatory for physicians prior to practicing medicine in the 4th century AD is still upheld by some doctors who oppose the worldwide October plan including what Global Research Director, Michel Chossudovsky warns is a military operation leading to global militarization control of individuals.An under-reported first International Swine Flu Conference being held in Washington DC this weekend includes sessions on “conducting morgue operations,” “mass fatality planning” and “unwillingness to follow government orders,” and “training teachers to screen for symptoms …and “transport ill students.”(Jesse Woodrow, They have planned to take kids from schools for Mass Vaccinations and Quarantines WAKE UP!) (video)Dr. Chossudovsky asserts that chilling reports such as those recently released in the UK about mass morgues are “totally fabricated” and “[t]here is absolutely no scientific evidence to support these claims.” (Michel Chossudovsky, Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Government is Planning Mass Graves in Case of H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic, Global Research, August 21, 2009) (online)“Realities are turned upside down. The British government is deliberately misleading the British public,” states Chossudovsky.“There is ample evidence, documented in numerous reports, that the WHO's level 6 pandemic alert is based on fabricated evidence and a manipulation of the figures on mortality and morbidity resulting from the N1H1 swine flu,” he advises. (emphasis added)CBS in London reported, “Experts estimate swine flu to be about as dangerous as seasonal flu, and there usually isn't a high demand for those vaccines.” (CBS, Gov'ts Worry About H1N1 Vaccine Contracts, London, July 16, 2009. (online)“State and local public health planners,” however, “have been asked to plan for vaccine becoming available mid-October under the following scenarios: 40, 80, or 160 million doses becoming available from the 5 manufacturers (total) over approximately a one month period, followed by weekly amounts of 10, 20 or 30 million doses” according to the recent CDC report.Barbara Loe Fisher is alerting the public to recognize that the flu is not the problem and that the dangerous vaccine and further removal of rights requires urgent public education and action to thwart the October plan.Sherry Beal stated yesterday during the KPFK public radio “Health Planet, Health Me” program that H1N1 is by far the greatest issue impacting humanity than anything that has happened in her 25 years as a health science journalist, (KPFK Sherry Beal radio interview, “Healthy Planet Healthy Me, August 21, 2009) yet mainstream news has made little if any mention of the Washington DC conference ending today. (audio)Deadly vaccines deployed this OctoberNumerous doctors and other health professionals agree with Alliance for Human Research Protection Director, Dr. Vera Sherav who stated in the KPFK interview yesterday that H1N1 vaccine has potential to rapidly and dangerously spread the disease.“All vaccinations cause immediate and delayed, acute and chronic, permanent and transient, disease and disorders that cut across all organ systems,” states Dr. Andrew Moulden BA, MA, MD, PhD. (video)War tactics of fear mongering war and media black-out on vaccine dangers and martial law is seemingly designed to cause ill-informed citizens to submit to the dangerous H1N1 vaccine.Chossudovsky's August 19 Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Government is Planning Mass Graves in Case of H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic (online) report states:"[A]mply documented and denied by Western governments, the proposed vaccines could result in more deaths than those caused by the H1N1 influenza, as confirmed by Britain's Health Protection Agency and the letter, sent to about 600 neurologists on July 29, is the first sign that there is concern at the highest levels that the vaccine itself could cause serious complications.Chossudovsky refers to the use of a similar swine flu vaccine in the United States in 1976 when:* More people died from the vaccination than from swine flu.* 500 cases of GBS were detected.* The vaccine may have increased the risk of contracting GBS by eight times.* The vaccine was withdrawn after just ten weeks when the link with GBS became clear.* The US Government was forced to pay out millions of dollars to those affected. (Mail on Sunday, August 16, 2009)Code Red in effect now - martial law Few choices will be allowed to citizens in the present Code Red Emergency, according to Barbara Loe Fisher, President National Vaccine Information Center. (video)Massachusetts legislators have already passed pandemic influenza legislation legalizing entering homes without consent of occupants, quarantining without consent and abandoning free assembly of citizens.The National Vaccine Information Center public vaccine education and advocacy watchdog, urges everyone to rapidly become informed about H1N1 ‘swine’ flu, vaccines and rights on freedom of choice, and to act upon them:"As Dept of Homeland Security Officials are declaring that ‘any’ disease outbreak is a matter of ‘Homeland Security,’As Dept of Defense are defining public demonstrations as ‘low-level terrorism,’As plans are being made to designate 'selected US airports as quarantine centers through which all airplanes would be Re-routed for passenger health inspection;’And as fast-tracked ‘experimental’ pandemic flu vaccines are being created to be given first to American children in schools:It is time for all of us, whether public health doctors or ordinary citizens trying to protect our health; it is up to all of us to act in responsible and rational ways.” (Barbara Loe Fisher, 2009)Mass public education about mass vaccination planned Yesterday, Dr. Sherav agreed with knowledgeable ethical doctors globally: the "vaccine can absolutely spread the H1N1 ‘swine flu.'” (KPFK Sherry Beal radio interview, “Healthy Planet Healthy Me, August 21, 2009) (audio) “This is no time to be a spectator, nor to hide in fear, and there's no sense in waiting until the worst possible scenario happens,” writes citizen action group, Vaccine Resistance Movement (VRM) coordinators, Wayne Prante and Joel Lord on the world's largest online social network, Face book. (online) Through Facebook, VRM is leading a global “We’re Not Going To Take It” events next weekend, August 28th-30th. “This is about the most basic of all human rights: control over our own bodies and health decisions,” VRM states.

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009

Real Dager: Influenza Vaccination as a mean of health disaster and genocide

If you do not have time to see it, please, pass it to others. This conspiration exists and has been prepared for years. We are now in the final stage:>>In the page of WHO you find some atonishing documents wondering what to do with the remnants of vaccines ???? (and many more queer things if you take your time to go thought the page documents)> And just see if this page can be one announcing "the end of times": are only some of the pages of all types that tell you that THIS IS REAL AND SERIOUS.>